Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Evolving LMXBs: CARB Magnetic Braking

We derive and introduce a new magnetic braking scheme which can effectively reproduce a sample of well studied observed LMXBs.

Low-mass X-ray binaries: the effects of the magnetic braking prescription

A study of the most commonly used magnetic braking prescription and how effectively this prescription can reproduce observed LMXBs. We definitively show that the most commonly used prescription fails to reproduce observed systems and should not be used.

Formation of Black Hole X-Ray Binaries with Non-degenerate Donors in Globular Clusters

Showed that there is a range where mass transfer from massive giants onto a black hole is stable. This significantly reduced the simulated BH-BH binary formation rate to fall in line with LIGO observations.

Stability of mass transfer from massive giants: double black hole binary formation and ultraluminous X-ray sources

Presented an alternative method in producing black hole X-ray binaries where a black hole captures a subgiant donor and strips a significant amount of mass off the donor.