

Constraining Progenitors of Observed LMXBs Using CARB Magnetic Braking

I show the derivation and effectiveness of our new magnetic braking scheme, the CARB MB.


Inverse Population Synthesis Searching for The Origins

A poster presenting preliminary results of our new magnetic braking prescription and its effectiveness in reproducing observed LMXBs


Low Mass X-ray Binaries Population at Roche Lobe Overflow

A poster summarizing the effectiveness of different magnetic braking prescriptions in reproducing observed LMXBs


Low Mass X-ray Binaries Population at Roche Lobe Overflow

A poster presenting preliminary work of a statistical study of different magnetic braking prescriptions

Stability of Mass Transfer From Massive Giants

A poster presentation showing the results from the paper Stability of mass transfer from massive giants: double black hole binary formation and ultraluminous X-ray sources.


Stability of Mass Transfer From Massive Giants

A poster presentation showing the results from the paper Stability of mass transfer from massive giants: double black hole binary formation and ultraluminous X-ray sources.